This is A043351... also known as Sunshine. She is a cat available for adoption at the Animal Shelter. When I first saw Sunshine I thought someone was being facetious in naming her because she is solid black. Now let me just say that I am NOT a cat person and most cats can tell by how I hold them. But when I took this girl out of her cage to take a better picture of her, I quickly realized why she is named Sunshine. She is so loving and happy. The second I touched her she purred. When I sat her on my makeshift backdrop she laid down and was the best model and purred the entire "photo shoot". Most people do not realize this but black dogs and cats are the least likely to get adopted. Why? The superstitious have doomed our black animals by saying they are bad luck. Most of my fellow volunteers are quick to point out that people come to the shelter to adopt dogs...rarely do we "show" cats to anyone. Unfortunately, this ray of sunshine has the odds stacked against her. We must help Sunshine and all of the other great black cats at the shelter.
Please Spay and Neuter your animals and educate pet owners!
Before you go to a fancy pet shop to pay hundreds of dollars for a puppy mill dog...take a tour of your local shelter.
If you are interested in Sunshine, come see her at the York County Animal Shelter located on highway 5 in York, SC.